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Nombre de messages : 1
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 26/05/2010

Christofer Helies Empty Christofer Helies

Mer 26 Mai 2010, 20:07
Hi guys!
I am Benny from Italy! I am a very big fan of FC Südtirol/Alto Adige, the only professional club of South Tyrol. In this season, our team finally achieved the historic first promotion in Lega Pro Prima Divisione (Serie C-1). I try to explain me better: there is Serie A, Serie B and than Prima Divisione! We are all sooo happy!!! Finally the big dream came true!!!
In this days, a player who played for Nantes is having a try-out with FC Südtirol/Alto Adige, Christofer Helies. I looked nearly everywhere but i coukdn't find any information about this player. It would be fantastic when you could give me some information about Christofer Helies. Thank you so much!
Some of my questions:
What is his position?
What are his starches and his weknesses?
Is he a good scorer?
Is he tecnically good?
Hes he a good vision of the game?
Is he a good passer?
How is he in the duels?
How is his charakter? Is he a teamplayer?

When did he played for Nantes? For which team did he play in this season? He already played for FC Südtirol/Alto Adige in the friendly match against the national team of Germany on Monday and he will play ols Saturnday against Slovenia. Then the club will decide of giving him a contract for next season or not.

Thank you very much for your answers! I will say you if he remains or not.
Champion du Monde
Champion du Monde
Nombre de messages : 36140
Age : 48
Ville : nantes
Fan Depuis : 1982
Date d'inscription : 12/06/2007

Christofer Helies Empty Re: Christofer Helies

Mer 26 Mai 2010, 20:24
hi ForzAlto and welcome

I'm afraid I don't know much about him since he's really young but I think he was part of the team that reach under18 French cup final (gambardella cup) last year
I think he's an offensive midfielder but I couldn't say for sure, maybe someone will be able to tell you more about him as some of us follow the youth squads championships throughout the entire season

Christofer Helies Equipe10
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